The Digital Technologies Advisory Committee Wangaratta (DTAC Wangaratta) was established in 2016 with the goal of enhancing digital literacy and STEM knowledge, skills, and career opportunities in the Wangaratta region. The community committee aims to inspire and engage students and educators, by offering a variety of Robotics workshops and a lending library of free digital resources. The lending library boasts an array of Robotics kits, including VEX123, VEXGO, and VEXIQ, which provide a continuous platform from prep to year 10.

One of DTAC Wangaratta's key partners is Galen Catholic College, which played a vital role in the committee's inception. Through the enthusiasm of Galen's teachers and students, DTAC was able to embrace and introduce VEX robotics to the local region. This collaboration has propelled our area to become one of Australia's most successful regional hubs for Robotics.
In 2018, the Galen VEX team made history by becoming the first Australian VEX Robotics team from a non-major city to represent the country at the World Championships in the USA. This achievement inspired our regional students, proving that they too can reach great heights. Thanks to the support and mentorship fostered by DTAC Wangaratta and Galen VEX team members, three regional teams (one primary - Albury, one middle - Wodonga, and one high school - Wangaratta) qualified for the 2019 World Championships. Since then, our region's success has continued, with a representative team attending the World Championships every year, even during the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The VEX Robotics Community adapted to the circumstances by innovating and delivered remote competitions, ensuring that teams could still participate. Now, with the return of face-to-face competitions, the Albury Border Robotics Team has just returned from the 2023 World Championships.

Our model of supportive peer mentorship and collaboration has proven to be both sustainable and highly successful, as evidenced by our consistent achievements. DTAC Wangaratta remains committed to its mission of elevating digital literacy aspirations in the broader community and supporting the integration of robotics into mainstream curricula. Through our collective efforts, we continue to nurture talent, inspire innovation, and cultivate a bright future for our region.